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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

"The Tornado" - Creative Writing by Kailee T.

"The Tornado"

It was a normal day in Kansas, bright and sunny outside although it was foggy and damp from the storm that had come through yesterday. For the past week on the news, the weatherman said that a big storm should come through soon so it is best to begin to take cover, but in Kansas it is normal to have storms come through, so my grandmother and I weren't worried and we only decided to put a simple tarp over the roof. 

My name is  Violet, and my parents had passed away from a storm, which is why I live with my grandma. It happened when they left me with my grandmother and told me they would be back in a week, and their death happened with many others. Their plane had been struck by lightening while they were over water, so only most of the people on the plane found air but the others died. And my parents were apart of the ones that had not found air and drowned.  

The night came and I fell fast asleep while my grandma was sleeping upstairs. I was awoken to a loud thud and when I looked out my window, I knew the tarp wouldn't help our home from not falling down. When I got out of my bed my feet felt somewhat wet, and when I turned my light on water was up to my ankles. My first instinct was to run, but then I remembered about my grandmother, and I began to run up to her room.

When I got to her room, she was still fast asleep so I began to wake her up. As soon as she was awake I grabbed her arm and told her that we needed to get out the house and see whats going on. { by this time the water downstairs was knee deep and the lights flickered on and off while the storm loudly continued} As we went downstairs, my grandma went first and I went second.

But when I went down the stairs it felt as if the whole world shook and I tripped, falling on the stairs when all of a sudden the pictures fall from the wall breaking glass and cutting my hand. The cut was deep in my hand and now my face was soaked with tears of pain but I was determined to find out what storm this was and how I could do something to help my grandma and I live. So I ran downstairs and opened the door, although my grandma kept asking me is my hand was okay. And what I saw coming was unbelievable and I couldn't believe my eyes were seeing this almost at my home. I didn't even tell my grandma what it was, all I did was grab her hand and we ran to the basement as fast as possible. 

When we got to the basement, she said, " What was it you grabbed me before I could even see ? "

 I answered with a sound of fear, " A huge tornado is coming our way right now. Take cover ! "

 I saw how close the tornado was and how big it was so I knew to take cover right away. So we both took cover and I hid in the bathtub of the bathroom that was in the basement with as many blankets and pillows I could find while my grandmother only sat criss-crossed on the ground as if waiting for something to happen. But in the next five seconds I knew that my grandmother had made a bad choice to sit on the floor.

All of a sudden, the house rips apart and I peek from out the bathtub to see my grandmother being sucked away with the tornado. I knew I was safe and I knew the tornado had passed by now so I got up to see the damage. When I looked, all I saw was the sky shining in from where the whole home had used to be and water being flooded in. I found a way out what used to be the basement and began the search for my grandmother with my hand still gushing blood and being in bad pain. 

       I began my search in the way I had seen the tornado pass through the home. While searching, all I saw was torn down homes and some of the homes I passed by also had families huddling next to each other, with most people crying.  It felt as if I had walked to the moon and back looking for my grandma, I had even began to search through the torn up homes, when all of a sudden I hear a loud yelling type of noise in a far distance. I began running in the direction of the scream with the rain still falling from the sky and with me in water that is up to my waist by now.

      When I got to where I heard the scream I knew that I had finally found my grandmother ! She was laying on her back on a piece of wood that had been left of a home holding her hand. She looked in very bad pain and she had a small cut on her forehead, I walked up to her as fast as I could and took her hand. Her hand was with no blood but it was purple as if something was cutting off her circulation. I took another look to see a zip-tie around her wrist so I began to look around for scissors or something that could get the zip-tie from off her wrist. And I finally found some scissors and cut the zip-tie from off her wrist. After about 2 or 3 minutes she was up and her hand was back to her natural skin color, I was surprised that she did not have many injuries. So my grandma and I began to try to find our way back to what used to be our home. 

      At this point it was about 10:00 in the afternoon and during our walk we saw many people being carried on gurneys into ambulance trucks. When we found what was left of our home, we found our old sofa broke in half on the old basement floor and we tried our best to get comfortable and go to sleep. The sofa was wet and it didn't feel good enough to sleep so I stayed up most of the night and fell asleep around 2:30 am

      The next day, I woke up at what felt like 11:30 or 12:00 to see my grandma awake resting her head on the sofa. Then all I heard was an ambulance siren and I saw two men running toward my grandma and I they then asked us if we were okay and they brought us to the truck. They drove us to the hospital and gave us food and gave us a small room with two beds in it. They said that people will be working to repair all the homes that were demolished and that we would be staying in the hospital until they were done with repairing. I felt a sign of relief when they told us this because I knew that everything would be fine. 

But then the doctor looked at my hand. This gave me a scared feeling like there were butterflies in my stomach, but it also gave me a happy feeling because I knew they were doctors so they could fix my hand. 

The man walked up to me and said in a worried voice with a worried look on his face, " What happened to your hand ? " Then he gently took my hand.

I said, " During the tornado, I was going downstairs and the ground felt like it was shaking so I fell and so did the pictures from the wall. A picture fell and it hit my hand, breaking the glass and having the glass shatter in my hand cutting me. ", in respond. 

Then the doctor ran out the hospital room and a few minutes later he ran back in with two other doctors and a small table of supplies. The doctor told me that they were going to look in my hand for glass and then stitch up the cut because it was so deep.

The doctors began to take glass out of my hand one by one, with each different piece of glass having a different pain. They had finally gotten to the last piece of glass out my hand leaving my eyes watering, and then they cleaned out the wound again to make sure that there were no glass pieces left behind. After, they took some string and a needle and I knew that the worst part had finally come. They began to stitch up my hand, and while they did this I felt tears streaming down my face. But when they were finally finished with the stitches, I knew my hand would be okay and so would I. 

      A couple months later, a doctor walks into the hospital room and tells us that we can leave. I was so exited when she said these words because I knew that I could get my life back on track. When we got home, I was the first one to run and see the inside of the home. Once I walked in, I knew that my life would be back to normal fast because the house looked exactly the same as before the tornado. After the experience that my grandmother and I had, we now decided to listen to the news and get prepared before time and not to put only a tarp as protection from a tornado.

terrible tornado 4 one cannot say a tornado is of
                                          THE END

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

643 Books!

This past summer, I decided to go a different direction with reading.  I threw out the nightly reading logs and challenged my students to read 40 books by the end of the school year.  With the addition of reading, students wrote letters to me each week in their reading journals describing the books that they were currently reading.

Students were not graded on if they read 40 books – while that is a gargantuan task (and I did have students who achieved this goal), I wanted my students to develop a love of reading.  Grades were based on consistent reading and completion of weekly reading journals.  I am just as proud of students who may have read one book last year, but read five books this year.

I am thrilled to announce that our team read 643 books this year! Special congratulations to Ethan N., Leighton F., and Edwin X. for meeting the 40 book challenge. 

When you have a classroom of readers, you have a classroom of kids who talk books…a lot.  And I just love that.  One of the hardest things to do sometimes is to find the next book to try.  Our class came up with an idea to create a blog so that they could share the books that they have read with other students.  Below is the address of our class blog.  Please check it out and share it with anyone who is looking for his or her next good book.  Our guest bloggers will be adding to our blog daily.

Thank you for reading!

The Heartbreak Messenger by Alexander Vance

The Heartbreak Messenger

 By: Alexander Vance
 Realistic Fiction Novel 

 Quentin is put to the task of breaking a girl's heart for a little bit of money. Will he take the offer or let the boy breakup with the girl himself? If you want to find out what happens next, then read the realistic fiction novel, The Heartbreak Messenger, by Alexander Vance. 

 Quentin is put to the task of breaking girls' hearts for their boyfriends or X-boyfriends, actually. He finds out that he will get paid for breaking people's hearts. He really needs the money because his mom cannot afford to keep a roof over their heads ever sense Quentin's dad left his mom & him. 

Quentin is my favorite character because he gives you mixed emotions. He makes you want to punch him and hug him at the same time. He breaks people's hearts and that will make you want to punch him. He also uses the money from his costumers to pay his mom's house bills and that is so sweet. 

Quentin is also a very untrustworthy boy. When people find out that he is the heartbreak messenger no one wants to be his friend anymore. Would you want to be friends with a heartbreaker?

Guest Blogger:  Phoebe D.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Masterminds by Gordon Korman

Title:  Masterminds
Author:  Gordon Korman

I have a love/hate relationship with series.  I love how a series can truly help develop a character.  With that being said, when a series ends I always experience a deep sadness.  It is like your best friend is moving away and you know that you may never see them again.

After reading series such as Harry Potter, The Maze Runner, The Uglies, The Hunger Games, I had the hardest time finding a new book to be excited about. I recently picked up Masterminds by Gordon Korman and immediately fell in love with the characters and plot line of this novel.  

This book is the perfect mix of science fiction and mystery that keeps you on the edge of your seat.  Gordon Korman creates a book that is so full of unexpected twists and turns that it is impossible to predict what will happen next.  This book is exciting and kid-friendly which can be hard to find in young adult literature.

Please comment below if you have read it and let me know what  you think!

  • Age Range: 8 - 12 years
  • Grade Level: 3 - 7
  • Series: Masterminds (Book 1)
  • Paperback: 352 pages
  • Publisher: Balzer + Bray; Reprint edition (February 2, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0062299999
  • ISBN-13: 978-0062299994

From School Library Journal
Gr 4–6—Serenity, New Mexico is an idyllic community for all its inhabitants. Everyone has everything they need and no one lies. As the local newspaper boasts, "Serenity Voted #1 in USA for standard of living." Eli has always been happy with his life and never had any reason to want to leave. One day though, while on a bike ride past the outskirts of town with his best friend Randy, Eli begins to feel sick. When he recovers from his illness he discovers that Randy, who convinced him to ride out, has to leave town. Randy tells everyone that he is going to his grandparents' house, but he is acting strange and no longer wants to hang out with Eli. After Randy leaves, Eli finds a note that makes him realize this may not be the perfect town after all. Eli and a few friends begin to uncover secrets and discover that honesty may not be at the heart of Serenity. They also realize that they can't trust anyone, especially not their parents. Korman has created a fun and creative story that delves into the philosophy of what makes us human and whether or not we are defined by our circumstances. Told in alternating voices, readers will get insight into life in Serenity and make life-changing discoveries with the characters. This unique and action-packed story is filled with twists and turns that readers will not see coming. A wonderful start to what promises to be a thrilling series.—Kristyn Dorfman, The Packer Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn, NY --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Welcome to the Book With a Blog Page!

My name is Jenny Dixon and I teach fantastic middle school students at Dutchtown Middle School. At the beginning of the school year, I decided to step away  from the assigned nightly reading logs and instead, try a new approach. After reading The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller, I wanted to try the 40 book challenge. My students met this challenge and read hundreds of amazing books in the course of a year.

I love to read, but sometimes after I finish a series I have a very hard time finding a new book.  The more that my students read, the more they shared titles with each other.  My students were talking about books with each other, but I wanted to create an avenue for all students to learn about great books.  My creative students came up with the idea for Book With a Blog.

Over the coming weeks, my students and I will share out books that we would give a 5-star rating.
We will look at different genres and authors.  Thank you for checking out our page!