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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Heartbreak Messenger by Alexander Vance

The Heartbreak Messenger

 By: Alexander Vance
 Realistic Fiction Novel 

 Quentin is put to the task of breaking a girl's heart for a little bit of money. Will he take the offer or let the boy breakup with the girl himself? If you want to find out what happens next, then read the realistic fiction novel, The Heartbreak Messenger, by Alexander Vance. 

 Quentin is put to the task of breaking girls' hearts for their boyfriends or X-boyfriends, actually. He finds out that he will get paid for breaking people's hearts. He really needs the money because his mom cannot afford to keep a roof over their heads ever sense Quentin's dad left his mom & him. 

Quentin is my favorite character because he gives you mixed emotions. He makes you want to punch him and hug him at the same time. He breaks people's hearts and that will make you want to punch him. He also uses the money from his costumers to pay his mom's house bills and that is so sweet. 

Quentin is also a very untrustworthy boy. When people find out that he is the heartbreak messenger no one wants to be his friend anymore. Would you want to be friends with a heartbreaker?

Guest Blogger:  Phoebe D.

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